ABSTRACT: Investigating the effects of early childhood education on cultural heritage preservation aims to understand how education can safeguard cultural identities from a young age. This study explores how early childhood education programs influence cultural heritage preservation efforts. The objectives are to (1) assess improvements in children's understanding and appreciation of cultural heritage, (2) evaluate the integration of cultural preservation activities in early childhood education curricula, and (3) examine changes in community attitudes towards cultural conservation. A survey design is justified as it enables comprehensive data collection on educational impacts on cultural preservation. A purposive sample of 110 children aged 4-6 years, from culturally diverse communities in Ogun State, ensures relevant experiences. The case study focuses on an early childhood education center known for its cultural heritage initiatives. Findings indicated significant improvements in children's understanding and appreciation of cultural heritage, effectiveness of cultural preservation activities, and positive changes in community support for cultural conservation. Recommendations include integrating cultural heritage education into early childhood curricula and collaborating with cultural institutions for sustained heritage preservation efforts.
Chapter One: Introduction
Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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